"Ass puts people in the seats, but legs keep them there." If He has said it once, He has said it 100 times. Meet Natalia, pretty much what any girl that wants to be He's arm candy should dress and look like. Heels, jewelry, beauty and some brains.There is obviously one thing that Natalia has realized, she has sick legs, and is going to wear heels everywhere shes goes so that they look even better. HottHe of the Week, Natalia, Approve!
How would you describe your style? I think I don´t have "a style". Some days i´m classy, others i´m sexy, others vintage.I think that´s the best thing about fashion, you can choose the perfect outfit each day according to your mood or the ocassion. It´s funny, it´s like an eternal costume party. I love accessories; i use all kind of jewellery and most of all I love head complements like hats or turbans. I think style is an imagination exercise, thinking about crazy (or not) mixes and making it true.
Favorite item you own? In general terms, i think i couldn´t live without a pair of huge high heels. I think when you´re in highs you see life other way and walk down the street with other attitude. That´s what i think fashion is about, if you feel well inside with what you´re wearing it reflects on the outside.
Who are your favorite designers? Balmain, Gucci, Christian Louboutin. They are rebel, daring and risky. They bet and they win. They breake the rules to make new ones. That´s awesome.
HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send your name, facebook link, and where you are from to fashionbyhe@gmail.com or Add He as a Facebook Friend.