He has been holding back Karina for quite some time, no one's fault but He's she deserves this title as much as anyone.Only so many nice things He has left to say about these HottHe's...legs, heels, jewelry, Karina has got it all. Best part is she claims to be a t-shirt and jeans type of girl of course with heels. Pretty much one of He's favorite outfits, simple and laid back but still looks amazing. Can't style it up or down and your good to go just about anywhere. Karina is HottHe of the Week and He Approved to the max.
How would you describe your style? My style depends on my mood, but I’ve been feeling like a bit of a throwback to the 80s lately, so I love to intertwine Vintage with high street and designer pieces; I think American Apparel channel vintage meets modern like no other store I’ve seen and I buy a hell of a lot of their stuff purely for that reason. I love mixing things that you wouldn’t usually put together and for me form is always way more important than function – which usually results in some impractical impulse purchases. I also follow the mantra that accessories make an outfit, whether that accessory is a killer pair of heels, a bag or jewellery - in my case it’s usually a ring on every other finger and a tonne of necklaces
Favorite item you own? Such a tough question – but I’d have to say either my Vivienne Westwood pirate boots and my Mulberry ‘Alexa’ handbag, as they’re both timeless and I can see myself still wearing them in 5 years time. They’re closely followed my by Jeffrey Campbell ‘Litas’ – JC should be given some kind of Lifetime Recognition Award for his contribution to women’s shoes. Oh, I almost forgot, but I wouldn’t be able to live without my Ray Ban Wayfarers either.
Who are your favorite designers? My favorite designers are Coco Chanel, Alexander Wang, Christian Louboutin, Christopher Bailley, Miuccia Prada, Alexander McQueen and many others.
HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send your name, facebook link, and where you are from to fashionbyhe@gmail.com or Add He as a Facebook Friend.