The previous post only said "Crop tops are not for everyone...The Truth Hurts." - He
Now let's be clear on something there Anna, or whatever you call yourself. Not everyone should wear crop tops. That is a FACT. Just like everyone shouldn't wear tight leggings, or how everyone shouldn't wear belly chains, or cheeky bottoms, and so on. Not everything in Fashion is made for everyone. Now let's get to your little eat disorder comments, because He is pretty sure He didn't say why this chick in the crop top didn't look good. You did! You assumed she was FAT in He's eyes, when He never once called her FAT. The truth is she isn't that fat, she just doesn't have a good stomach. Unless you have a good stomach, why the hell would you want the world to see it, aka don't wear a crop top.
He is the King of Fashion, so that pretty much gives He the right to tell people what they can and cannot wear. If you don't like it then yes Please Unfollow, the ArmHe doesn't need people like you.
P.S. Notice how nice He was, He could have very well posted pictures of Anna and ripped her a new assh*le, but it's only Tuesday so He went easy.