Whatever not the clearest of pictures He has ever taken, but it gets the point across nonetheless. A few nice things to say about this chick: One - a white tank top, beater, can go a long ways in looking good. Never underestimate a biggest wedges you can find. As we recall, "The Higher the Heel, the Hotter the Girl." Feel free to replace heel with wedge. Nothing bad about this outfit at all.
P.S. If this girl or her friends are reading this post right now. A big f*ck you to her friends. They were laughing and having a great old time watching her walk on the cobble stones in super high wedges, well guess what friends, you suck. You looked like sh*t, in your flats and your jeans, so guess who is getting the last laugh now! The chick who looked insanely hot, meanwhile you got cut the f*ck out of the picture. Bam, that just happened.