Pretty much looking at twins right now, but still it could be fun to play the game anyway. "Who Wore it Better." Should be interesting and He is thinking that these two duos match up pretty well. Let's break down the looks and see how they did.
Girls 1: You might remember her for a post awhile back when He said this dress was way too long. "This chick was legit good looking, nice dress, what He would imagine is probably a nice bag, but having a dress like this get dirty and drag all over the city cannot be good for business. Kinda gross actually, probably should've worn heels and this would be an issue."
Girls 2: Wedgie Picker! Not a big deal, happens to the best of us, well not everyone ends up on Fashion by He, but so is life. Another uber long dress, as least this chick has a belt to kind of break up the fabric.
Time for the ArmHE to Vote:
Vote I Agree: Girl #1
Vote I Disagree: Girl #2