Thursday, April 7, 2011

FashionTALK by He...P.Luca

It has been a long long time since He has done a post FashionTALK by He, but hey it's back.
We grew up known as BARAMIs daughters, his admirers, his followers, and the product of his doing. He is the power force that created the amazing line BARAMI. Now a decade later he has fresh blood as he likes to call it; all grown up ready to use what he taught us. P.Luca, the new generation for BARAMI. “Dress like you mean Business” is the motto over at P.Luca, and with some good looking sisters behind the brand, it seems like these girls got what it takes.

He: Describe P.Luca in one word?
P.Luca in ONE WORD: Fashionable (Affordable Fashion)

He: What made you decide to start your own clothing line?
Our Father is a designer, was labeled by Vogue in the 90’s as the “King of Suits” we grew up dressing ourselves and wanted a collection for the younger woman who still wanted to look sexy but classy, and NOT OVER TRENDY

He: Who is the P.Luca girl?
The P.Luca girl is ANYONE, she is the 18-35 year old (she doesn’t care about the number, she is as old and young as she FEELS). She is conscious about her health fitness and is aware that her style is a big part of who she is.

He: What are some upcoming trends the readers should be aware of?
Upcoming Trends, all about LAYERS, we just piece together different fabrics and patterns and prints and they actually look amazing together!

He: One piece of clothing you cannot live without?
Neda: Well 2, a pair of heels and my cord stretch black jeans, I live in them
Nika: à Her Black Jeggings (P.Luca Jeggings, they aren’t gross and look like actual jeans just more comfortable)

Click Read More to read the rest of the interview with the P.Luca Ladies.

He: What is the biggest mistake people make in fashion?
Biggest Mistake you can make is trying to be something you are not, trends do not work for everyone and everyone always SAYS IT but doesn’t follow. You have to make trends your own, if you aren’t comfortable everyone sees and feels in then you look as bad as you feel. FACT

He: In your opinion, whats the biggest "fashion faux pas?"
Fashion Faux Pas: Overdoing ANYTHING

He: Whats the best advice you can give the readers about style and fashion?
Best advice, take care of your clothing, when you invest in clothes even trendy pieces you bought it for a reason. Know how to hang your garments (hangers matter, with sweaters certain hangers can stretch them) washing your clothing all these things really DO MATTER

He: Are granny panties ever acceptable?
Granny Panties, the name alone is disturbing, boy shorts are where the P.Luca Ladies stand. Comfort and Class, thongs can become a bit MUCH with detail so if you are wearing something SUPER TIGHT, you might as well have the guts to go commando, right? Or is that dirty? We think its OK!

He: He believes heels are a must, what are you thoughts?
Nika is 5’10 she wears heels out, Neda is the older sister, but 5’3 I live in my heels, sadly my credit card and I have had a few issues because when I shop its usually shoes and now I don’t have room in my closet. And they have to be HIGH heels, short heels make your calves look fatter. Not a good look, just saying.

He: If you could have your clothes appear on the floor of one celebrity sex tape, who's would it be?
Alexa Chung, or Olivia Palero (the girl from the City)à they are amazing dressers, effortless. Plus Olivia was in our showroom a few months ago and looked AMAZING in everything she tried.

He: How do you select your models?
Its never about how they look, its always for US at least, how the clothes look. We believe honestly that if you need to have a pretty face to sell your clothing, maybe you should make prettier clothing. The focus is the clothing on YOU, not the models; if that is understandable.

He: What does the future hold for P.Luca?
The future holds endless possibilities, we are lucky enough that we have amazing friends in the industry that help us get the name out there. We do things very differently than most fashion houses, we really BUILD relationships with all parties that correlate with P.Luca, so you will SEE!!

He: Where can we buy the P.Luca collection?
Currently you can ONLY buy P.Luca at BARAMI locations, ( for all the locations and online at

He: Any famous last words?
Are you a P.Luca Lady?... ahaha we always tell our people, all we want to do is have fun and play dress up, lets GO!