Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HottHe of the Week...Sarah Whitney

Any girl that wears thigh highs as much as Sarah does is on the fast tracking to becoming He Approved. In talking to Sarah, she revealed a huge secret, She is only 5'3". See short ladies out there, you can look tall and look like you have super long legs and still be only 5'3". Ya just gotta find the right looks, maybe go take some notes from Sarah and her blog. Although Sarah is short, She is without question HE Approved.

How would you describe your style?

I like to think I think it's constantly evolving and changing... but there will probably always be a boho vibe with a rock 'n roll edge in my look.

Favorite item you own? A faux fur leopard coat I'll probably wear until it falls apart, a vintage fur shrug and all of my DIY denim cut-offs.

Who are your favorite designers?McQueen - total visual feast for the eyes. Isabel Marant - the queen of laid back French glam. Balmain - sexy and trash and so much fun

HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send your name, facebook link, and where you are from to or Add He as a Facebook Friend.