Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HottHe of the Week...Irene

Love Irene's laid back style to fashion. First HottHe from the Netherlands. If this is any representation of that area, good for them, Irene definitely is a good person to have being the face of a nation. Heels, she got big ones, great accessories, hot legs, good body, looks like another successful HottHe pick. Check out her blog too, My Fashion Findings . Irene you are officially He Approved.

How would you describe your style? I would describe my style as simple but stylish. I have a weakness for sequins, and I'm in love with the 70's style. I mostly have the rule to not wear more than 3 colors on one outfit and have one statement piece to blow everyone away.

Favorite item you own? I think this are my high-waisted denim shorts, or my new Alexander Wang siamese clutch!

Who are your favorite designers? For bags: defenitely Alexander Wang.
Besides that I really love the swedish brand ACNE, they got simple but really beautiful clothes and shoes! I think most swedish brands and designers make perfect clothes.

HE Needs More HottHes? Non-Bloggers and Bloggers wanted, please be Hot and Stylish and most importantly He Approved. Send your name, facebook link, and where you are from to or Add He as a Facebook Friend.