Originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, Todd McLellan’s interest in photography began at an early age with the encouragement of his father. After graduating in 2002 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Alberta’s College of Art & Design, McLellan’s passion for photography brought him to Toronto where he is a member of the Sugino Studio team and specializes in automotive, commercial and conceptual work. This is new work where he disassembles, among other things, a Pentax camera.

Friday, February 25, 2011
Still Life Photography by Todd McLellan
Originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, Todd McLellan’s interest in photography began at an early age with the encouragement of his father. After graduating in 2002 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Alberta’s College of Art & Design, McLellan’s passion for photography brought him to Toronto where he is a member of the Sugino Studio team and specializes in automotive, commercial and conceptual work. This is new work where he disassembles, among other things, a Pentax camera.